Valentine's Day Bouquet


A stunning mix of locally grown blooms in shades of purple, pink and white. Your bouquet will come presented in a craft paper wrap tied with a luxurious silk ribbon. Each bouquet will also include a hand-written note with your message to the recipient. (Note: Does not include a vase)

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A stunning mix of locally grown blooms in shades of purple, pink and white. Your bouquet will come presented in a craft paper wrap tied with a luxurious silk ribbon. Each bouquet will also include a hand-written note with your message to the recipient. (Note: Does not include a vase)

A stunning mix of locally grown blooms in shades of purple, pink and white. Your bouquet will come presented in a craft paper wrap tied with a luxurious silk ribbon. Each bouquet will also include a hand-written note with your message to the recipient. (Note: Does not include a vase)